Initial 3D refinement

Once we have an initial reference map, one may use the 3D auto-refine procedure in relion to refine the dataset to high resolution in a fully automated manner. This procedure employs the so-called gold-standard way to calculate Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) from independently refined half-reconstructions in order to estimate resolution, so that self-enhancing overfitting may be avoided [SC12]. Combined with a procedure to estimate the accuracy of the angular assignments [Sch12b], it automatically determines when a refinement has converged. Thereby, this procedure requires very little user input, i.e. it remains objective, and has been observed to yield excellent maps for many data sets. Another advantage is that one typically only needs to run it once, as there are hardly any parameters to optimize.

However, as the pseudo-subtomogram files require more memory resources compared to SPA, we suggest running this procedure in several steps, from high binning factors to 1, to improve processing time. Since the first set of pseudo-subtomograms have been extracted at binning factor 6, we will start the 3D refinement using those same particles.

Running the auto-refine job at bin 6

On the I/O tab of the 3D auto-refine job-type set:

Input optimisation set::


(If an optimisation set file is provided, the input particles and tomograms STAR files are set based on its content.)

OR: use direct entries?:


(Since we provide an optimisation set file in the field above, we will not be providing a particle set, tomogram set or trajectory set.)

Input particle set::


(Note this is blank as it is extracted from the optimisation set file.)

Input tomogram set::


(This is also blank as it is given in the optimisation set file.)

Input trajectory set::


(This is blank as we have not run a Bayesian polishing job yet.)

Reference map::


Reference mask (optional)::


(We’re not using a mask at this point, so leave this empty for now.)

On the Reference tab, set:

Ref. map is on absolute greyscale?:


Resize reference if needed?:


Initial low-pass filter (A):


(We typically start auto-refinements from low-pass filtered maps to prevent bias towards high-frequency components in the map, and to maintain the gold-standard of completely independent refinements at resolutions higher than the initial one.)



On the CTF tab set:

Do CTF correction?:


Ignore CTFs until first peak?:


On the Optimisation tab set:

Mask diameter (A)::


and keep the defaults for the remaining options.

Note that the box size at bin 6 is 96 x 8.1Å = 777.6Å, so setting a large mask diameter of 500Å (remember the HIV capsid hexamers are 75Å apart) in the first 3D auto-refine job at bin 6 allows us to use more information in the low-resolution images to obtain a first round of particle alignments and a map that will then be further refined with a smaller mask of diameter 230Å and a smaller binning factor (i.e. higher resolution).

On the Auto-sampling tab, one can usually keep the defaults. Note that the orientational sampling rates on the Auto-sampling tab will only be used in the first few iterations, from there on the algorithm will automatically increase the angular sampling rates until convergence. Therefore, for all refinements with less than octahedral or icosahedral symmetry, we typically use the default angular sampling of 7.5 degrees, and local searches from a sampling of 1.8 degrees. Only for higher symmetry refinements we use 3.7 degrees sampling and perform local searches from 0.9 degrees.

The last two fields on the Auto-sampling tab are set as follows:

Use finer angular sampling faster?:


(If set to yes, the refinement is more aggresive in proceeding with iterations of finer angular sampling. This will speed up the calculations at the potential cost of suboptimal convergence. Therefore, if using this option, you might want to check that you are not obtaining suboptimal alignments in the early refine jobs and not losing resolution in the later stages of your own processing.)

Prior width on tilt angle (deg):


(This field has the same purpose as in the 3D initial reference job: enforcing priors on the tilt angle of the particles. Since we know from the sphere picking procedure that the particles are normal to the surface of the spheres, we can use this knowledge to speed-up convergence.)

Ignore the Helix tab, and on the Compute tab set:

Use parallel disc I/O?:


Number of pooled particles::


Skip padding?:


Pre-read all particles into RAM?:


Copy particles to scratch directory:


Combine iterations through disc?:


Use GPU acceleration?:


Which GPUs to use:

(Set the id sequence of the GPU cards separated by colon (0:1:2) or leave blank to automatically use all configured cards)

On the Running tab, set:

Number of MPI procs:


Number of threads:


As the MPI nodes are divided between one leader (who does nothing else than bossing the others around) and two sets of followers who do all the work on the two half-sets, it is most efficient to use an odd number of MPI processors, and the minimum number of MPI processes for 3D auto-refine jobs is 3. Memory requirements may increase significantly at the final iteration, as all frequencies until Nyquist will be taken into account, so for larger sized boxes than the ones in this test data set you may want to run with as many threads as you have cores on your cluster nodes.

Before pressing the Run! button, we give this job the alias bin6 so we can refer to it easily later.

On our computer with 2 GPUs, this calculation took approximately 3.5 hours.

Analysing the results

At every iteration the program writes out two run_it0??_half? and two run_it0??_half?_class001.mrc files: one for each independently refined half of the data. Only upon convergence a single and run_class001.mrc file will be written out (without _it0?? in their names). Because the two independent half-reconstructions are joined together in the last iteration, the resolution will typically improve significantly. This iteration also requires more memory and CPU, as the program will use all the data up to Nyquist frequency.

Note that the automated increase in angular sampling is an important aspect of the auto-refine procedure. It is based on signal-to-noise considerations that are explained in [Sch12b], to estimate the accuracy of the angular and translational assignments. The program will not use finer angular and translational sampling rates than it deems necessary (because it would not improve the results). The estimated accuracies and employed sampling rates, together with current resolution estimates, are stored in the and files, but may also be extracted from the stdout file. For more information, check the SPA tutorial high-resolution 3D refinement step.

The program also writes an optimisation set file, updated with (i.e. the particles file) and the tomograms and trajectories files (given as input to the 3D auto-refine job). This file should not be confused with the files used regularly by relion_refine.

This job will have likely reached Nyquist frequency so, to go to higher resolution, we will need a new set of pseudo-subtomo particles at a smaller binning factor, 2 or directly 1.

Pseudo-subtomograms at bin 2

We will now perform 3D refinement at binning factor 2, which will lead to a higher resolution features than the previous binning factor. To do this, we first need to extract a new set of pseudo-subtomograms at binning factor 2. Go to the Extract subtomos jobtype on the GUI, and on the I/O set:

Input optimisation set::


On the Reconstruct tab, make sure the following is set to extract particles with a binning factor of 2:

Binning factor::


Box size (binned pix)::


Cropped box size (binned pix)::


The other parameters are the same as in the previous Extract subtomos job:

Maximum dose (2/A^2):


Minimum nr. frames:


Write output as 2D stacks?:


Write output in float16?:


Obtaining a 3D reference at bin 2

Having extracted a new set of particles at binning factor 2, we will now obtain a 3D reference map at the same binnig factor. Select the Reconstrcut particle jobtype on the GUI, and set in the I/O tab:

Input optimisation set::


OR: use direct entries?:


and on the Average, set:

Binning factor::


Box size (binnied pix)::


Cropped box size (binned pix)::




Then run the job with the same settings on the Running tab as in the previously run Reconstruct particle job. With the newly extracted bin 2 particles and 3D reference, we will now proceed to the bin 2 3D auto-refine job.

Running the auto-refine job at bin 2

On the I/O tab of the 3D auto-refine job-type set:

Input optimisation set::


OR: use direct entries?:


(Note that the input particle set, input tomogram set and input trajectory set are empty as this information is extracted from the optimisation set file.)

Reference map::


(Here we use the resulting map from the bin 6 3D auto-refine job.)

On the Reference tab, set:

Ref. map is on absolute greyscale?:


Resize reference if needed?:


Initial low-pass filter (A):


(We set the low-pass filter slightly below the reached resolution in the previous step. In this case, it is the Nyquist resolution at binning factor 6.)



On the CTF tab set:

Do CTF correction?:


Ignore CTFs until first peak?:


On the Optimisation tab set:

Mask diameter (A)::


On the Auto-sampling tab, to resume the refinement from the current resolution, we could adjust the angular sampling below the angular resolution given the initial low-pass filter argument and mask diameter. A coarse estimation can be obtained by \(\arctan({\frac{resolution*2}{diameter}})\). In our case:

Initial angular sampling::

7.5 degrees

Use finer angular sampling faster?:


On our computer with 2 GPUs, we used 5 MPIs and 6 threads, and this calculation took approximately 7.5 hours. Again, the 3D refinement will have reached Nyquist resolution.

Before doing further refinement at binning factor 1, we need to eliminate the duplicate particles that would lead to an overestimated resolution, as well as the bad particles that do not have sufficient information for high-resolution refinement. We will do this in the next two sections.