.. _program_tomo_make_reference: relion_tomo_make_reference ========================== This program runs ``relion_postprocess`` on the pair of reference half maps set in the input |optimisation_set| or generated by :ref:`program_tomo_reconstruct_particle` so they can be used by the different refinement programs more easily. This program creates an output |optimisation_set| file and a ``Postprocess`` folder within the output directory. Optimisation set arguments: --------------------------- - ``--i`` and/or ``--p``, ``--t``, ``--mot`` and ``--man``: input optimisation-set and/or its components (see |optimisation_set|). - ``--opt_mask``: Mask to be used for subsequent optimisation procedures. This argument updates the output |optimisation_set| file. General program arguments: -------------------------- - ``--rec``: Reconstruction path of a :ref:`program_tomo_reconstruct_particle` job (The ``--o`` argument). If this argument is set, half maps in input |optimisation_set| file are ignored. - ``--mask``: Mask to be used for FSC computation. This argument *does not* updates the output |optimisation_set| file. - ``--o``: name of the output directory (that will be created). .. |optimisation_set| replace:: :ref:`optimisation set `